We know finding the right person isn’t easy, but with our competency-based process you can be assured of a positive recruitment experience.
We take a personal approach with each of our candidates, conducting structured, competency-based interviews to assess skills and potential before we match them to employers. This means that we only send you candidates that we believe are a great match for your brand.
Our extensive network includes new Nordic talent looking to work in the U.K. and applicants looking for their next career move.
Our goal is to provide a personalised service for both applicants and employers to find the perfect solutions.
Full-service recruitment
Our Nordic-speaking candidates specialise in human resources, finance, sales, marketing and administration. For employers with relevant vacancies, we’re able to manage the recruitment process from start to finish, including advertising, psychometric testing and shortlisting.
Our tailor-made service means we work with your specific requirements and timelines. Is your deadline tight? Don’t worry! We’re used to working quickly. Our recruitment strategy keeps the process both efficient and unbiased, and our advanced psychometric testing helps us to identify candidates that match your criteria. We also take into consideration each candidate’s personality and preferences to ensure they are a good fit for your corporate culture.
Advertising and candidate selection
Do you manage your own recruitment but need help with advertising? Our recruitment specialists utilise our extensive networks to ensure your advertisement reaches the right target. Would you like some help with your selection process? Our competency-based strategy gives you the confidence you’re looking for by short-listing quality candidates that meet your specific requirements.
Psychometric assessments
Advanced psychometric testing takes the guesswork out of recruitment and gives you the facts you need to make informed decisions about each candidate. By letting us do the hard work, you also benefit from our informed opinion based on test results and personal interviews. This reduces the risk of unhappy placements and can help to confirm that you’ve made the right choice. Our testing strategies are multi-faceted and take the whole person into account, not just their skills and experience. This ensures that both the candidate and employer find what they’re looking for.
It’s our goal to ensure that every candidate has a good overall experience of your brand, regardless of whether the placement is successful.
We know that when people connect with you, the impression they get is important to you, as they may one day return to apply for a different role or as a customer. We provide you with valuable feedback on how candidates have experienced the process.
We understand that brand perception is important to you. Every candidate that interviews with you may one day be a potential customer or be called upon to give an opinion of your brand. First-hand experiences carry weight, and the interview process is a great opportunity to demonstrate your brand culture. Because we take the time to ensure every candidate has a great experience, you can be confident that they will leave with a positive impression of your brand.
Ready to get started? Fill out the form below and we’ll call you to set up your first meeting.
For urgent enquiries, please call + 44 7388 655516